Specialized Leadership Placement to Improve Help Desk Team Morale and Retention

Client’s Challenge

Help Desk Turnover & Complaints

Our client had unsustainable turnover and complaints about their internal Point of Sale Help Desk Team, which negatively impacted their ability to support their retail stores. The goal was to bring in an interim leader to improve morale and call center metrics.

Our Solution

Placement of Interim Manager

We placed an interim manager with experience in assessment, visioning, role re-structuring, training, and recruitment.

Value Realized

Improved Help Desk Team Morale and Metrics

Within the interim manager’s first 30-days, our client saw a noticeable improvement in team morale and call center metrics.


Met one-on-one with each team member and immediately enacted feedback.

Call abandon rate

Significantly reduced call abandon rate.

caller hold time

Significantly reduced caller hold time.

Project Details

A large retail organization had unsustainable turnover and complaints about their internal Point of Sale Help Desk Team.

The growing dissatisfaction with the help desk team was negatively impacting the firm’s ability to support their retail stores around the globe.

We utilized our network of senior leaders and SMEs to find and place an interim manager with help desk subject matter expertise, ample leadership experience, and a proven track record of improving culture through systematic assessments and change.

Through a process of peer assessments, visioning sessions, role re-structuring, training plan creation, and strategic recruitment, help desk team morale and customer satisfaction were quickly and noticeably improved.

Could your next project benefit from our specialized expertise? Contact us today.